
Why choose us?

Effective System

Our courses provide the most streamlined and effective Yi studies system available. Blending traditional Yi theories with modern psychology and behavioural science, we create innovative and practical theoretical frameworks.

Collective Innovation

We provide a co-creation platform for members who resonate with our philosophy and theoretical framework, jointly advancing the practical dissemination of Yi studies.

Scientific Realism

Rejecting superstition in traditional culture, we study Yi with a pragmatic, open-minded approach, discerning truth from falsehood.

We offer...


Yi-Ching Courses

We offer professional courses in Yi studies fundamentals, Bazi, Meihua Yishu, Qimen Dunjia, and Feng Shui. Our course system is comprehensive, with dedicated personnel responsible for your learning, providing timely solutions to queries and confusion. Our teachers' logical and engaging teaching style makes learning enjoyable and humorous. We help you quickly and systematically grasp Yi studies knowledge for practical application in a short time.

Welcome to our open classes for a trial listening experience.


Feng Shui Consultation

We provide professional Yi Studies consultations tailored to your individual needs. Our experts utilise the most appropriate predictive tools to address your specific concerns, ensuring accurate and meaningful results

Unity Dou

Founder of Yi-Renaissance
Investor | Co-founder
Based in London.

Master's degree in Landscape and Wellbeing from the University of Edinburgh

The 13th Generation Heir of the Lv Dongbin Fushan Feng-Shui

Di Han

Co-founder of Yi-Renaissance
Based in Shanghai

Bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University
Master's degree from ETH Zurich

Investment Consulting
Family Education Consulting
Career Consulting
Relationship Counseling

Sabrina Hu

Co-founder of Yi-Renaissance
Based in Shanghai

Business Consulting | Corporate Strategy Consulting

Bazi Consultation| Feng Shui Strategy | Naming and Date Selection


  • Advice for Infertile Women in Conceiving

    Case Situation: A 35-year-old woman, deeply desiring a child, underwent medical checks with her husband, which found no physical impediments. Despite years of marriage, she had not been able to conceive. In 2021, she approached us for Qimen strategic planning for childbearing.

    Client Feedback: Following our Qimen strategic planning, she successfully became pregnant, with her due date in August 2022. However, during a prenatal examination in June, the fetus's cerebrospinal fluid levels were found to be critically high, potentially affecting cognitive development. She reached out to us again for the health of the fetus. After arranging her home Feng Shui in line

  • Career Promotion

    Case Situation: The client, after years of hard work, seemed to have a chance for promotion. However, due to an uneasy relationship with their immediate superior, the success of this promotion was uncertain.

    Client Feedback: Following our Feng Shui planning, the client successfully received a promotion. Additionally, the leader with whom they had an unpleasant relationship was reassigned elsewhere.